Forms to be filled out and kept on file/submitted for SLC:

  • Form A: Student Permission and Medical Release Form
    (signed and kept on file for each student participant)
  • Form B: Advisor Statement of Assurance
    (signed and uploaded with registration by March 26, 2025)

State Leadership Conference

Thank you to our conference sponsors!

The Oregon TSA State Leadership Conference (SLC) is the premier event for Oregon’s TSA members, teachers, alumni, and supporters. Join us for competition, workshops, and networking with other students across the state.

This year ONLY ONE location option:

April 7, 2025 | The Dalles National Guard Armory | 402 E Scenic Dr, The Dalles, OR 97058

  • On Demand Video Production
  • Coding
  • System Controls
  • Photographic Technology
  • Technology Bowl
  • VEX Robotics Tournament
  • Fashion Design and Technology
  • Engineering Design
  • Software Development
  • Webmaster
  • Digital Video Production

Students may compete in multiple events following the limitations indicated on the registration form.

Conference registration is $xx per participant.